Programmable control systems

2.4 Analogue communications

Programmable control systems

  1. Sequence controllers

    1. Memory is persistent data that is stored in an array of data units
    2. Each data unit stores a number of bits of data that can be handled through a set of pins A0 called a data bus
    3. Each data unit has a unique memory address that is chosen through a set of pins called a memory bus
    4. Data can be read or written according to a Read/Write pin: when reading, the data from the address referenced by the address bus is outputted through the data buss; when writing, the data from the data bus is stored into the address referenced by the address bus
    5. By connecting a counter to the address bus, a memory IC can be made to output a sequence of preloaded data, and can be made to reset when reaching a certain state using logic
  2. Software-based controllers

    1. A microcontroller is a multipurpose chip whose function is programmed into it
    2. It contains its own program memory, data storage memory, input/output ports and a clock oscillator
    3. This allows it to take signals from input sensors and send signals to output devices
    4. A program is a sequence of instructions, which can be represented using a flowchart, which typically contains the following nodes:

      1. Start node Start: a single start node is used to indicate the beginning of every flowchart
      2. Stop node Stop: used to end program; there can be any number of stop nodes, even none
      3. Process node Process: used for calculations or delays
      4. Decision node Decision: branches according to whether the conditional in the node is true or false
      5. Output node Output: sends data to an output pin