Fluvial processes

3.1 The shape of river valleys

3.3 Distinctive landforms

Fluvial processes

  1. Erosion

    1. Erosion can happen in two directions: vertically & laterally
    2. Hydraulic action is weathering caused by not only the sheer force of the water hitting the river beds & banks but also by water forcing & compressing air in cracks & crevices, wearing them away
    3. Abrasion is weathering caused by the load carried by the river repeatedly hitting the river beds & banks
    4. Attrition is weathering caused by rocks carried by the river hitting each other and breaking
    5. Solution is weathering caused by soluble rocks dissolving into the water
  2. Transportation

    1. Traction is the movement of heavy material rolling along the river bed
    2. Saltation is the movement of smaller stones rolling & bouncing along the river bed
    3. Suspension is the movement of very fine material floating within the flowing water
    4. Solution is the movement of particles dissolved in the water
  3. Deposition

    1. As the river flows, it loses energy and deposits sediment
    2. The largest load is deposited first as they require the most energy to transport